Monday, July 6, 2009

The last few weeks...

So here is an update on what has been going on in the last couple of weeks.

"Putting pennies in my mouth"

On Thursday last week I told Josh that we needed to change his diaper, he decided he really did not want to. As I was trying to control the wiggling boy he decided he should be a smart alec and do something he knew he wasn't supposed to. So he put a penny in his mouth, but because he was laying down he popped it all the way down. So he started choking and I quickly turned him upside down. He threw up, but no penny. Yay for me I have had to go through his bowel movements to see if it has past. I guess I will be taking him to the doctors tomorrow because I was told by the Health Link nurse to bring him in if he hasn't passed it in 3 days. Fun! Anyways the day after he swallowed the penny, I was feeding Trent downstairs and I could hear Josh upstairs playing so I asked him what he was doing. He replied smugly "I'm putting pennies in my mouth" TURKEY (He really wasn't though thank goodness)

Trenton is my fat baby!

At my last doctors appointment, (Trent was 3 weeks 6 days(June 28 th)) the chunky boy weighted a whopping 10 pounds 1.1 ounces. Needless to say the doctor scored an Excellent on his chart for weight gain after birth. Hopefully that will result in more sleep time for me, right? I can dream can't I. Here are some pics at 2 and a half weeks.
Dr Evil

"Could you please pass the butter?"

So OK Josh isn't a very big kid but almost all the fat on his body must have come from butter because seriously the kid loves it. I don't quite understand the appeal but ever since Josh started eating real people food he has loved butter. When ever we go out to dinner he constantly tries to grab all the little packets of butter and eat them straight, it's so funny and disgusting to watch at the same time. So a few weeks back we were having baked potatoes at my mom and dad's house, and we fixed him a potato with of course lots of butter. But he wanted more so Aunt Tracy put more butter on his potato. But again that wasn't enough, a few minutes later, you guessed it, "Could you please pass the butter." Seriously that kid is going to die of clogged arteries before he reaches adulthood.

Why did I think it was a good idea to let my 2 year old paint while I feed Trent?

A week or so after Trent was born Josh asked if he could paint with his paints. So I got out his paints and his big scrapbook for colouring and painted with him. Of course a couple of minutes later Trent started to scream, and wanted to eat. I'm not sure what I was thinking, or if I was thinking at all but instead of putting away the paints right then I went and feed Trent. Josh continues to paint, he painted his paper, then he painted his hands, then he painted his feet and his legs and pretty much all over his little body. I was very glad that Jonathan came home just a few minutes later so I could hose down the boy in a bath without a screaming newborn. Here is some pictures of the beautiful art.