Saturday, February 26, 2011

How I miss those chubby cheeks!

Something that makes me smile and usually tear up as well is looking through pictures on my computer. I always have an internal or often external sign at how cute my boys are. We cut Trent's hair again last week and it always makes me a little sad because they always seem to grow up right before your eyes when you do. But as a happy thought I just thought I would post some older pictures of the boys that make me smile!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Five months along and my Second Ultrasound

So it turns out I needed to have a second ultrasound. My baby has a two vessel Umbilical Cord. This could mean problems with growth and or possibilities of some heart problems but my doctor assured me that this is very common and there is no indication at this point of a problem. But as a normal precaution I had to have an Eco ultrasound which basically double checks the flow of blood. I will probably have to have another ultrasound further along but as long as my baby girl is healthy I don't mind seeing her. That is the really exciting thing about the second ultrasound, they confirmed I am having a girl. YAY! Also I should mention no indication after the second ultrasound that there are any problems either. So I have another 4 months to go before we meet our princess (no names picked out yet) but I am sure they are going to fly by. Now I get to plan out decorations for her room.