Monday, January 17, 2011

It's a ???? hopefully a girl ???

Well in case you didn't know I am having another baby. My due date is June 12Th (Kerri's Birthday). I had my 18 week ultrasound today and well for the first time we got an unsure answer as to the sex of the baby. The technician said she was leaning towards a girl. YAY for the possibility of a girl. I have been so set on it being a boy, just because I don't want to be disappointed so I am really happy just to have the hope. So I won't go crazy with buying girl clothes just yet, maybe just one or two. But.. YAY, I am really excited. Just on a side note, I love my boys to death and wouldn't trade them for girls!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?? They couldn't tell you the gender? Baloney! I demand they re-look! hehe. I am crossing my fingers for you that it's a girl. (But let's face it - you are right...whatever it is, it'll be perfect for your family.)
