Sunday, March 22, 2009

Waking up with Josh

Lately Josh has been waking us up with new and strange phrases. About a month ago woke up and climbed out of bed and poked his head out the door of his room and asked "is anybody home?" a couple of times until we responded.

This morning we got woken up as Josh shouted from his room "Ahoy there!". At first we thought he was having some weird pirate dream, but after the fifth "Ahoy there" we realized he was talking to us. What is the appropriate response to "Ahoy there"? We called back "Ahoy there" and went and got him up.

Ahoy there!


  1. Oh my gosh - that is SO cute! hehehe...ahoy there. Where does he come up with this stuff? You must laugh all day at the cute things he does.

  2. thats hilarious! Libby went through an "ahoy there" phase, too - I remember wondering how to respond to her, too - eventually I went with "ahoy, me matey" and she doubled over laughing. I'm so glad chelsea got you hooked, too! Can I put a link thing on my blog to yours?

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